airport commercial information system
airport commercial information system
airport commercial information system

Intersystems rapidinsight provides airport management and key stakeholders with the ability to store and analyse big data throughout the airport to drive efficiency and maximise revenues.

analytics and predictive forecasts

rapidinsight consolidates vast amounts of data from a miriad of collection points and creates detailed, accurate, timely reports with operational, commercial, marketing and financial focuses. Extending the rapidsuite database to include support for commercial, marketing and financial system data inputs, rapidinsight transforms rapidsuite’s operational reporting system into a comprehensive insights tool.

Big data is everywhere. Data is being generated by nearly every airport system constantly and harnessing it creates enormous value. Through a collection of specific data interfaces, rapidsuite’s advanced algorithms combined with our powerful reporting engine and purpose built apps, result in rapidinsight delivering a scalable big data solution to your airport.


The gathered information is delivered to thirdparty personnel through insight active displays. Approved third-party users can access their display system to review pertinent demographic information about past passenger behavior patterns and a forecast of the anticipated passenger traffic into the future or historical data.


rapidfids has been designed as part of the larger rapidsuite. rapidsuite’s foundation modules provide a well-defined set of interfaces and services for controlling user authentication, data access, storage, security, integrity and synchronisation between all applications in the rapidsuite.

The foundation modules which reside in rapidsuite enable a tight integration of all rapidsuite applications, meaning that configurations that are common between all applications are managed centrally.

This not only enables the proposed system to be setup and managed efficiently, it streamlines the future expansion to additional rapidsuite applications giving the airport the option to easily and cost effectively expand its operational software resources.

system access
and security

All rapidfids apps are security protected requiring authorisation prior to accessing the application or data. Authorisation is granted by entering a valid username and password at login.

The system is designed around a user authentication model which supports the use of strong passwords, enforced regular password changes, maximum login attempts and automatic log out after ‘x’ minutes of inactivity.

Users are assigned to groups and groups are assigned permissions on a ‘need to know/need to access’ basis providing each user group with the minimal amount of access required to perform their role effectively.

other rapidsuite modules

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